Psychic Attacks.
Psychic Attacks. Actually thought transference...and based on belief/fear.
On one particular occasion I was working as a portrait photographer in the Queensland Bush. I had taken a team of canvassers and myself to Mt. Isa, en route Darwin. The Isa is a large mining town in a semi-arid region of Queensland. I quite liked it there for there was a large Irish Club that I was a member of and business was good in the town.
Amongst my crew was a New Zealander, a Pake Ha, or white man. He was really hitching a ride to Darwin, in order to go on "the dole". He told the others that he was a witch, and I didn't take much notice at the time. I poo-pooed this and of course put myself in his bad books. I was to regret my cynicism and dis-belief for he was pretty strange anyway and didn't seem to approve of our business either.
One particular morning I noticed that my door was ajar and I had a hazy recollection of two people in my room. It was the witch and another fellow a young Scottish Immigrant, his friend.I thought it a strange dream and I dismissed it. Later in the day a few of my canvassers quit, including one with a car. So I had to go and rent a car. Whilst I was parking, the young friend of our witch asked me how my legs were. I told him that they were fine but then I noticed that they were getting weak below the knees. I had noticed some effects before this, but this directed my mind to them. I thought I must have a vitamin defficiency so I bought some mult-vitamins and had a meal.
As it happened I notice an old Aborigine woman, whose photos I had taken, staring at me from over the road. She could see something I could not and I would never find out what she saw, for years. I took many Aboriginal Portraits and many were on credit. The Aboringines always paid me, the whites, on credit, on the other hand invariably did not. This was the opposite of what I was told to expect. Anyway my legs were not getting better and I needed the car to get around.
The weakness was now up to my knees, a very strange feeling indeed. I decided to go into town to the Irish Club and have a beer and a chat. As I started out I felt a bolt of energy go through me and found myself saying " l Iove God,I love God," a most unusual thing for me to say .After this my legs began to strengthen but I didn't associate it at the time. I just thought the multi-vitamins were working. I kept the "Divine Experience" though and it started me thinking again about God. I still didn't go to Church though. About a year later I made a return to religious, if not spiritual enquiry and it no doubt started here in Mt.Isa. It was still a Christian oriented path though and I was reading the Bible and listening to prophecies. Later I moved to the Sufis and Vedanta and I don't believe in a Personal God who does anything but an Energy/Consciousness that witnesses.
A few years later when I was into the Huna and Hawaiian Mysticism I noticed something that shocked me. I was reading one of Max Freedom Long's books on the Huna and I came across a chapter describing how the Kahunas cursed people. I then remembered the witch in Mt.Isa. He said that he had been taught by the Maori Tofungas, Kahuna in Maori. I won't describe the method here but I realised that I had been cursed, Anana,and that my life had been in danger. I had been attacked by familiar spirits or thoughtforms, who would have eventually eaten up my energy or mana.
The energy bolt that went through me was a Divine Intervention of my Higher Self or Kundalini, and probably saved me from an illness or worse. I haven't had a problem since, although I still have the memory of it. The Buddha said if you don't accept a present from someone it stays with the giver. So put white light around oneself and refuse to accept the present, it will go back to whence it came. That is how to protect oneself from these attacks plus prayer is also a help.
One day, many years later, I was talking to Charlie T, in Vancouver, and he narrated a very similar experience to me. It seems that he had been working on the oil-rigs for a Singapore company and was making very good wages. His supervisor was a corrupt ex-cop and demanded bribes for contractual renewals. He was demanding quite a few hundred U.S. dollars and Charlie refused to pay. Charlie went direct to the company instead and this enraged the supervisor. Some time later Charlie became quite ill and lost all energy from his body and ended up on a respirator. How Charlie described it to me, it started in his legs and then worked it's way up his body. After recovering a little, a Malaysian who had yogic siddhis, did a cleansing on him. He told Charlie that he had been cursed by a dark, evil, witchdoctor.. It seemed the energy drained from Charlie's body from the feet upwards and weakened his whole system as it moved up his body. Eventually it progressed to his throat area, causing great pain, as it moved from the lower chakra to his vital organs. This process usually takes three days, I was attacked for only one day.
A lady told Charlie that he had been cursed by the supervisor on the rigs, who had gone to an evil yogi in Thailand, and paid him to curse Charlie to a painful lingering death. This was so similar to my story I was sure of what happened to me. It seems "evil mystics" use" thought forms" and captive or familiar spirits to curse you. These entities feed on your energy, prana or mana, starting at your feet and then progressively and aggressively work up your body destroying you. Charlie was given the opportunity to send the curse back to the curser but didn't bother now he was well. Also he was a spiritual person and didn't want to cause harm. In my case I did eventually forgive the Tofunga, or Dark Witch.
So one has to be so careful, some of these "left-hand Yogis". That is why one has to be so careful who one is listening to or associating with.
I knew another person who had a problem with spirit oppression, and she tried spiritual teachers, minor gurus and everything but nothing worked. They even were pulling her hair and terrorising her. Eventually she got fed up and told them that if they didn't stop bothering her she would get help and that they would be stuck on the lower planes forever. Once the fear was gone so were the oppressions.
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